Living Case Study: Project Connect
Austin’s Project Connect Moving Forward
August 20, 2024
Project Connect is gaining national attention for its holistic approach to mobility solutions, governance, and focus on community and placemaking. Accelerator for America Action has released a Living Case Study to document Austin’s implementation journey for the benefit of other local leaders who will follow in the city's footsteps.
This case study narrates and analyzes the successes and challenges of implementing the light rail portion of Project Connect through the lens of national and global best practices.
November 2020: AFAA supports Austin’s Project Connect Campaign
In 2020, Accelerator for America Action supported the long-term planning and strategy that led to the passage of Prop A, generating $7.1 billion over 13 years for Austin's Project Connect, a comprehensive transportation plan that connects communities, creates jobs, and promotes affordable housing. Learn more about that effort here.