Infrastructure Week
May 15-19, 2023
Additional Events and Event Details added and updated regularly.
High Speed Rail Conference 2023
US High Speed Rail
During the conference there will be sessions on high-speed rail around the world, the politics of high-speed rail, the Biden Administration’s vision for high-speed rail, decarbonizing the transportation sector, private sector investment, world-class station design and more.
City Age Executive Roundtable on Infrastructure
City Age
CityAge is hosting an invite-only roundtable on infrastructure implementation as a part of United for Infrastructure's 2023 Infrastructure Week in DC this May.
CAGTC Annual Meeting
Coalition for America's Gateways & Trade Corridors (CAGTC)
Join the nation’s foremost freight policy leaders for two days dedicated to timely discussions, networking, and freight infrastructure advocacy!
Kentuckians for Better Transportation DC Fly In
Kentuckians for Better Transportation
From May 17 -18, Kentuckians for Better Transportation will be in Washington DC hosting a Fly In with a group of 40 Kentuckians to meet with the commonwealth's Congressional Delegation and USDOT staff.
Transportation Construction Coalition Washington, D.C. Fly-In
American Road and Transportatoin Builders Association (ARTBA)
Join transportation construction colleagues in Washington, D.C. for the annual TCC Fly-In.